
The first edition of International Conference “Energy of Moldova 2005” was held in 21-24 of September 2005 at the initiative of the Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova. This event was dedicated to the 50 years anniversary of Energy System of Moldova and 40 years anniversary of the Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences. The aim was to focus the attention of the state authorities, of the scientists and specialists in energy sector, representatives of CIS countries, South-East and Central Europe, other distant countries, which do not possess their own energy resources to the problems in energy sector of the Republic of Moldova.

In the quality of organizers of this scientific forum have been participated: The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, The Department of Physical and Engineering Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova, A.C.B. “Energbank”, Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA/CRDF), The Department of Power Engineering of the Technical University of Moldova, Presidium of S.T.S. of the Republic of Moldova, the Union of Energeticians of Moldova. I.S. “Moldelectrica”, S.A. “Termocom”, S.A. „CET-1”, Chişinău municipality, S.A. „CET-2”, Chişinău municipality, S.A. „CET-Nord”, Bălţi municipality, S.A. „Armo-Beton”, the Institute „Energoproiect”, National Agency for Regulation in Energy of the  Republic of Moldova (NARE), S.A. „RED-Nord”, S.A. „RED Nord-Vest”, R.E. „Union Fenosa”, S.A. „Moldovagaz”, S.A. „Moldelectromontaj”, Agrarian State University of Moldova, etc.

At the Conference have been invited scientists and specialists in the domain of energy from CIS countries, European Community, Romania, USA.

Many of notorious personalities, for example, the Secretary General of Energy Charter Secretariat, Dr. Ria Kemper has accepted the invitations to take part in the Conference.

Participation of Secretary General of Energy Charter Secretariat to the work of Conference and the meetings organised with central public authorities of the Republic of Moldova contributed essentially to the creating of a positive image of the Republic of Moldova and finding the efficient solutions of the problems in the energy sector both at the state level and in neighbouring region. Guests of the International Conference took advantage of good opportunities for change of opinion on the problems of assurance of energy security for countries which does not dispose of their own energy resources, efficient operation of power systems, energy storage, and sustainable development, implementation of high performance technologies and establishment of regulatory frame for energy complex The event also has contributed to the extension of contacts of stakeholders and specialists, who have concerns energy issues and to long term development of energy sector. Published Proceedings of works dedicated to the Conference EM-2005 has included 104 scientific articles containing the treatment of diverse spectrum of the concerns of domain.

In the history of Moldovan Energetics the I-st Edition of the International Conference EM-2005 has remained as a scientific event of positive impact and exclusive value for that period, determining priority dimensions of development of national energy complex. Underlined ideas, also proposed recommendations and solutions in the frame of work sessions of the forum have contributed essentially to the elaboration of Energy Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2020, Low of renewable energy 160/2007, Low nr. 123/2009 (concerning natural gases), Low nr. 124/2009 (concerning electric energy), Low nr. 142/2010 (concerning energy efficiency), the establishment of the Agency for Energy Efficiency and adoption of the National Programme for Energy Efficiency 2011-2020 (HG nr. 833 of 10.11.2009), completion of the Low nr. 1525/1998 concerning Energetics with art. 42 and art. 43 in 2009 aimed to extension of NARE attributions oriented to promotion of market rules in the domain of electricity and of natural gases, adoption of calculation methodologies for the tariffs for renewable energy, transmission, distribution and delivery of electricity, the new methodology of calculation, adoption and applying of tariffs for heat energy.

In 2010 the Republic of Moldova has joined to the Energy Community Treaty, step which paved a way to creation of a new platform for sustainable development of all targeted strategic dimensions, looking to the establishment of market links for electric energy and natural gases.

The II Edition of the International Conference “Energy of Moldova-2012. Regional Aspects of Development” took place also in Chisinau, in the period of 4-6 of October 2012.

In the quality of organisers were following institutions and organisations: The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Department of Exact and Economical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the State Energy Inspectorate of Moldova, I.S. “Moldelectrica”, UE-UNDP Project “Energy and Biomass in Moldova”, Î.C.S. „Union-Fenosa” S.A., GIZ „International Agency of German Development Cooperation”, S.A. „Moldovagaz”, S.A. “Termocom”, S.A. „CET-1”, Chişinău municipality, S.A. „CET-2”, Chişinău municipality, S.A. „CET-Nord”, Bălţi municipality, S.A.”RED Nord-Vest”, National Agency for Regulation in Energetics (NARE), Agency of Energy Efficiency (AEE), Romanian National Comity – World Council of Energy (CNR/CME), S.C. the branch of Research and Modernization in Energy S.A., National Institute ICEMENERG, Romaina, the Technical University of Moldova, Agrarian State University of Moldova, the Union of Energeticians of Moldova, S.A. „Armo-Beton”, ” the Institute „Energoproiect”, Polygraph factory in Chisinau, GARMA-GRUP SRL, VALIEXCHIM SRL, Chamber of Trade and Industry TRACIA.

In the published Proceedings of the Conference EM-2012 have been included 101 scientific papers submitted to discussions by remarkable scientists in energy. Realizations and conclusions made in the frame of sessions have contributed in the most direct mode to the adoption of many decisions and polices, developed in the documents of strategy which contain the evolution path of national energy system and the interaction with systems of neighbouring countries. The most relevant of them are HG Nr. 102 dated 05.02.2013 “related to the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Moldova until 2030”, Low on thermal energy and promotion of cogeneration nr. 92 dated 29.05.2014, many other measures and actions with the scope of harmonization to the common way of development for all Energy Community, to which the Republic of Moldova has joined.

Now we are in the eve of the III-rd Edition of the International Conference “Energy of Moldova-2016. Regional Aspects of Development”. We tend to succeed in the organisation of truly valuable event for the energy domain at the regional scale. The time bring us in front of new challenges, where persists urgent need of set of solutions in order to increase the level of efficient operation for entire sector, minimisation of pollution emissions to the environment, strengthening of national energy security, implementation of the newest results of research and innovation supported by economic, politic and social pillars.